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La nouvelle Opération M35
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
UPDATE 04.05.'16 Manuals are ready
It took some time, but finally the instruction manuals are ready. We are quite happy with the final result.
All owners that ordered a copy have been contacted by email to further arrange payment and shipping.
In December there was not much progress on the production of the instruction manual, but we have now picked it up again. Based on the higher quality psd files a new digital version has been created. We were also able to scan a better picture for page 61 from yet another original manual.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
On Sunday 27 September the Dutch Citroën ID/DS Club held its autumn meeting at the location of the former shipyards of the Royal Dutch Navy in the city of Den Helder. One of the special events was an exhibition of a “timeline” of DS’s with a Citroën DS from each year the car was manufactured (1956-1975). Next to this line up of Goddesses a number of contemporary Citroën cars were invited to complete the picture. M35 no. 83 was part of this and was positioned between big brother SM and a beautiful Citroën GS.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Some time ago we started la Nouvelle Opération M35. 16 M35's in racks against the wall, what should be their future? One observation of many was they all had not been used for about 35 years; they should be enjoyed again.
In 1970 Citroën initiated the original Opération M35 to learn from the use of the rotary engine in a dedicated car by a group of selected users. La Nouvelle Opération M35 was also started to learn, from each other and the gathered documentation. Every sold M35 left with a significant amount of digitalised articles, workshop manuals, pictures and other documentation.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
We got a tip from one of our friends from the world that’s called NSU, concerning one of the points of improvement on our Wankel-engines; the spark plugs! The original Beru and Bosch plugs aren’t too easy to find and mostly at a high price. They tend to get greasy and are quite difficult to clean. On the Mazda RX7 other, more modern spark plugs are used and now we use these on the M35 as well. We (No. 467 and No. 122) had some adaptors made to fit the smaller NGK BR10ET plug in the original housing.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Translation in English not yet available (if you feel like making the translation, please feel free..).
Rotary Stock 2013, 7-7-'13. Met No.122 naar het Wankelevenement van de RX7-club op het Midlandcircuit in Lelystad.
Als ik de paddock nader word ik verwelkomt door leden van de Mazda RX7 club en doorverwezen naar een plekje voor speciale zeldzame Rotarys. Ik kom te staan naast een Sachs grasmaaier, een Hercules Sachs motorfiets en een Mazda kitcar op polyester basis en word meteen aangesproken door Belgen die alle ins en out van de M35 willen weten. No.122 wordt de hele dag door meerdere binnenlandse en buitenlandse fotografen in diverse poses vastgelegd.