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La nouvelle Opération M35
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Having the annual DS-Club-Deutschland-meeting exceptionally next door, with a drive on the world´s highest mine dump – which is normally closed for cars – as its highlight, I decided to leave my brave old DS in its garage, but to cause some confusion by showing up in an M35.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
UPDATE. No. 100 has a new owner in Belgium. He's also going to contribute to this website.
Another step forward in La Nouvelle Opération M35. No. 415 has been sold in Holand and No. 134 has even found a new owner in Japan.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Amaury de Rodellec thinks that the M35 could have been like this in 2013. He frequently publishes Revivals of classic car models at his website ; have a look around, I really enjoyed myself.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
During his recent visit to Japan Hugo, our co-administrator for this website, visited the Mazda museum in Hiroshima. And they’ve got some Wankels as well! Here are couple of pictures of the engine-departement.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Februari 23rd it was time to collect the new windscreens. Paul had stuffed his XM and invited several owners to a nice location, Garage Visscher's showroom in Culemborg. Here we could admire the collection of Citroëns, Peugeots en Simca’s and meanwhile chat with each other. Two owners defied the wintery weather and came with their M35's, the rest chose to come with more salt-restistant transportation.