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La nouvelle Opération M35
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
The production of M35 windscreens hast started, here's a picture of the first one being cut. Do you want to join this project; let us know as soon as possible. More news will be published soon.
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- Category: Restoration of 473
Today I spoke to the owner of No. 158, he was busy getting his engine running again. He succeeded partially, with a lot of smoke and water leaking into the oil. Time to do things thoroughly and take the engine apart. His question was if several parts are still available and if I had pictures of parts of the engine. Yes, I do! During the disassembly of No. 473's engine I took several pictures.
We'll discuss the seals and gaskets later on, first a peek into the engine.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
A message from Paul, the initiator of this project;
We’ve had a lot of response on the project, thanks for that. Our goal was an order of 15 windscreens to get an affordable price. We (almost) succeeded in that, we’ve got 14 M35-owners interested and the feeling that some others will jump on as well. December 6th I gave the order to the factory.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
We've got a quote, subscription possible
At first the front windscreen of the M35 looks like one from an Ami 8. But it has more height and was made specifically for the M35. Unfortunately it has been unavailable for quite a while, which frightens some owners when they're touring the countryside. One stonechip can end the windscreen and the pleasure of driving for quite a while, one M35 is known to be stored because of a crashed windscreen.
To produce just one windscreen is not easy; try to find an owner who will lend you his to make a mould and on top of that the production of a single copy will be astronomically expensive (from 2500,-!!).
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Last Saturday September 8th some petrolheads met at my garage to kick tires and exchange strong car experiences. Normally we, me included, do this at Facebook. But now we went live, because we wanted to see each other and each other’s cars. Several people were curious about my 2cv’s and the collection of M35’s as well!