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La nouvelle Opération M35
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
On this site you can find some more info on the M35 and pictures of the M35-production as well. Some of them widely known, some of them surely not. Please do have a look around at the site.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
When Citroën announced they were going to add the M35 to their selling programme, immediately 5000 people showed their interest. From them 500 were picked. Until now we thought the buyers had to make their decision upon the press kit, Revue de Presse, but now there are some doubts about that.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Earlier on we mentioned the coming auction of the Heuliez-collection. Now the catalogue is online, it contains quite some beautiful and typical items. Two cars are M35-related, ofcourse the blue No. 39 owned by Mr. Heuliez and the Simca 1501 Coupé.
The whole catalogue can be found through this link; to Catalogue Artcurial.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
In an article on the Auto Illustrierte website I found this M35 in a collection owned by the Swiss family Junod. Unfortunately I can't see the number on the fender. We're going to investigate it!
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Since the weekend the M35's are under one roof again. Much cosier!
M35 No. 54 Sold
M35 No. 83 Still available
M35 No. 92 Still available
M35 No. 94 Still available
M35 No. 100 Still available
M35 No. 112 Still available
M35 No. 122 Sold
M35 No. 386 Sold
M35 No. 415 Nog beschikbaar
M35 No. 447 Sold
M35 No. 470 Sold
M35 No. 473 Own collection