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La nouvelle Opération M35
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Update Exhaust Systems M35 (19 August 2016)
The initiative for the manufacturing of exhausts for the M35 is moving ahead.
So far 12 orders have been placed with Quicksilver, which means that we will receive the maximum price reduction.
The deadline for ordering has been set at 26 August 2016. If you still want to join, then please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately.
A month ago we have already shipped two patterns to Quicksilver. They will use these as examples to construct the new exhaust systems. In September we will then drive #83 to the Quicksilver factory in Devon. This will allow Quicksilver to examine a mounted system and based on that finetune the design of the exhausts.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Dear friend of the Citroën M35,

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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
Just like many other parts of the Citroen M35, the exhaust has been manufactured specifically for this car. Unfortunately it may happen that after 45 years it has to be replaced. Off course it will be feasible to use parts that are readily available at your local garage and construct a usable exhaust from those parts. However, if you are the owner of a Citroen M35, you will probably only want to mount an exhaust that is (almost) original.
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- Category: La nouvelle Opération M35
A smaller model of the M35 was already available, but soon it will come to your showcase in 1:18 as well. It’s from Otto Models and on the pictures it looks very nicely detailed, we’re curious!