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- Category: Prototype no. 63
Hello Sander,
here are the pictures of our Citroen M 35. We are three friends who have taken on the task of reviving an M 35. Fabian, Urban and Reinhard. We got it from France about 4 years ago and have been repairing it ever since.
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- Category: Prototype no. 456
No.456 was recently found in the Lyon area! Here are some pictures of it, leaving its storage. Unfortunately the engine and windscreen is missing. As we understood the car is going to be restored at a local Citroën-dealer, we hope to learn more about the project.
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- Category: Prototype no. 137
In August 2013 No. 137 popped up on Ebay. We don't know if it was sold and to whom. If you have any info, please let us know!
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- Category: Prototype no. 22
No. 22 has recently been sold, it stays in Holland. The new owner is planning to keep the car as it is as muchas possible, as soon as he's starting to work on the technique he will keep us posted.