Prototype Citroen M35

Prototype Citroen M35
Explanation Citroen M35
Citroen M35 for sale
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No. 104 is (almost) finished and stunningly beautiful. The beauty of such a tangle of tubes! These pictures are just to warm you up, those in the webalbum go beyond that: we warned you!

Ernst, friend of our website, has visited Henri Fradet's beautiful museum in Castellane last year and took this picture of No. 160 and No. 388. The first is part of the collection for quite some time, No. 388 now accompanies it. We'll send Henri an email straight away for more info!

An acquaintance from France send us this picture of the type plate of No. 461. It was completely unknown to us, hopefully we'll receive more pictures and info!

Some time ago we received some pictures of an M35 from the owner of another M35. The number wasn’t visible, so we couldn’t connect it to a number on the website. But recently we got a tip about an M35 in the south of Holland. We went there and it proved to be the M35 in the pictures!

A friend of our website found these pictures of No. 464. We already got a message it was still alive, but it’s even nicer to see a visual confirmation!