Prototype Citroen M35

Prototype Citroen M35
Explanation Citroen M35
Citroen M35 for sale
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Philippe Lacomblez emailed us with the message that the restoration of no. 10 is almost completed and sent us this picture.

Nico Theissen wrote to us: "The number 376 can actually be seen in a show by the luxemburgish 2CV Club , on behalf of the 75th birthday of the 2CV in Roost (Citroen dealer Petrymobil) in Luxembourg, until december 23 on the opening hours of the Citroen dealer (Monday till Saturday). Feel free to visit."

We received an e-mail from a customer that they found a movie clip of no.391. This car was not known to us up untill now. Nice to see another M35 still alive and running!

Watch the video



No.401 is also found to be for sale. The seller is located in Chagny, France. It is advertised here:

Thanks to Chris Kok for spotting this car and also discovering number 438

No.438 is found to be for sale in Chassieu, France. It is advertised on two websites, with different pictures: 

Not much information on the last website, but still nice to see another M35 in seemingly good health.

Thanks to Chris Kok for spotting it!