Prototype Citroen M35

Prototype Citroen M35
Explanation Citroen M35
Citroen M35 for sale
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Hello Sander,

here are the pictures of our Citroen M 35. We are three friends who have taken on the task of reviving an M 35. Fabian, Urban and Reinhard. We got it from France about 4 years ago and have been repairing it ever since.

He did not start, the hydropneumatic was broken and he had come down quite a bit. It devoured hundreds of working hours and after many useless resuscitation measures we decided to have our engine overhauled at Fabritius in Kelkheim. The entire ignition system was also replaced and a modern HKZ ignition was installed. The advantages are that it starts well, runs very smoothly, pulls well and we can use the breaker contacts from the NSU RO 80. All in all, it is now a prototype that is really fun. Next week, editors of Auto Bild Klassik will come and write a report about our M 35. When it is published, I will send it to you.

Rotary greetings from Gießen,
