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Prototype no. 415
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- Catégorie : Prototype no. 415
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No. 415 has been sold to a Dutch collector. We'll be following how it's going to get back on the road.
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- Catégorie : Prototype no. 415
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No. 415 | 16.12.'70 | 39.000km| €12.500,-
No. 415 was put on the road December 16 ‘70. From ‘73 on M35’s were taken back by Citroën, organised through the dealers. They got the opportunity to keep a car, if the registration was handed over. Later on in the seventies there was another opportunity to get one from Citroëns storage. Several dealers had a small collection, often with cars that had been traded in.
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- Catégorie : Prototype no. 415
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The owner of No. 429 send us this nice message, where we found out it's No. 415.
"I came across this picture while searching for pictures of Citroën SM in my archive. It was made in April 1982 at Citroën dealer Roques in Alencon. At the time we were looking for Traction Avants, but I thought this peculiar car was worth taking a picture as well. Unfortunately no number visible, but maybe the registration number will help you. This M35 was in a good driveable condition. I didn't know I would encounter mine a year later...."
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- Catégorie : Prototype no. 415
No. 415 a été mise en route le 16 décembre 1970 et plus tard elle faisait partie d’une collection de 25 M35. Dès 1973 les M35 ont été rachetées par Citroën, par l’intermédiaire des agents. Eux, ils ont eu la possibilité de garder un exemplaire, pourvu que les papiers soient rendus. Et plus tard dans les années 70 une autre opportunité a été donnée.